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Film workshop Mladibor

27. apr. 2012

Uspešno smo zaključili še eno filmsko delavnico tokrat v okviru festivala Mladibor, ki ga organizira Zavod Bunker. Delali smo z že poznanimi ekipami iz II. gimnazije Maribor in nastala sta dva odlična filmčka. V torek smo imeli "delovno" projekcijo katere so se udeležili organizatorji projekta Mladibor kot tudi udeleženci drugih delavnic. Filme pa je pokomentiral slovenski režiser in igralec Jan Cvitkovič. Zgoraj si lahko ogledate time-lapse iz snemalnega dni.

We succesfully finished jet another film workshop. This time it was with the cooperation with project Mladibor and Zavod Bunker. We worked with known teams from II. gimnazija Maribor and what came out were two great short films. Tuesday we had a "working" screening with all the organizers of the project Mladibor and also some participants of other workshops. Jan Cvitkovič, a Slovenian director and actor, commented the films and gave advice to the young talents. Above the post you can take a look at a time-lapse of a shooting day.


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