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Festival de Cannes day #1

18. maj 2012

Cannes 15-16 Maj 2012 - Po dolgi nočni vožnji smo le prispeli na cilj. Po kratkem počitku smo se odpravili po naše akreditacije in na ogled vseh festivalskih prizorišč, kjer smo takoj začeli s promocijo naših filmov in društva. Naš promocijski material zdaj lahko najdete vsepodvod. Tim in David, ki sta prav tako prišla z nami na festival, sta posnela kratki vlog, ki ga lahko najdete, ki si ga lahko ogledate pod postom. Zahvaljujemo se organizaciji ŠOUM, ki je podprla naš filmski/delovni izlet.
Cannes 15-16th of May 2012 - After an all night long drive we finally came to Cannes. After a short rest we decided to go and get our accreditations and took a look of the festival grounds. We instantly began with the promotion of our films and Film Factory. Our promotional material is everywhere. We already made some new connections and meet some new film colleagues. Our friends Tim & David who came with us to Cannes made a short vlog about the first day in Cannes and you can take a look at it at the bottom of the post. Film Factory @ Festival de Cannes 2012 supported by ŠOUM.


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