Z veseljem vam sporočamo, da sta naša nova filmska projekta, Missing the Moment in Last Lunch, uvrščena na filmski festival Cannes in sicer v sekcijo Short Film Corner. Prav tako se bomo festivala udeležili tudi člani Film Factory-ja, ki bomo na festivalu predstavljali zgoraj omenjena filma. Kaj se bo tam dogajalo, ter kako bosta filma sprejeta, vam bomo sporočal neposredno s festivala tukaj na našem blogu in Facebook strani.
We are proud to announce that our newest films, Missing the Moment and Last Lunch, were selected in section Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival. Of course Film Factory members will go there and present the above mentioned films. We will let you know about reception of the films directly from the festival ground here at our blog and on our Facebook page.
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