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Festival de Cannes Day #5

24. maj 2012

Cannes, 20. Maj 2012 - Letos z vremenom žal nimamo sreče. Ponovno dež in veter, vendar mi smo se udobno namestili na Short Film Cornerju, kjer smo gledali številne filme, ki so prav tako bili sprejeti na SFC. Ob 16:00 je sledilo zelo uporabno predavanje na temo: Kako distribuirati kratki film. Ob 17:00 ponovno Happy hour – to je postala že rutina. Zvečer smo si s z novima prijateljema ogledali dokumentarec o Jerry Lewisu z naslovom The methhod to the madness of Jerry Lewis, katerega se je udeležila tudi filmske ekipa, vendar žal Jerryja ni bilo. Film nas je zelo nasmejal in dan bi se zaključil super, če se ne bi na poti domov usedli na napačni avtobus in se sredi dežja ob 12 ponoči izgubili sredi Cannesa.
Cannes, 20. May 2012 – We don't have any luck with the weather this year. It's raining again, but we made ourselves comfortable in video booths, where we watched a lot of films, which were also selected for the Short Film Corner. At 16:00 we attended a conference with title: “How to distribute a short film”. It was quite useful conference. At 17:00 it was time for happy hour – this is becoming a routine. In the evening we went to see a documentary film with our new friends about Jerry Lewis: The methhod to the madness of Jerry Lewis. The film crew also attended the screening, but unfortunately, Jerry was not there. The day would end quite nicely, if we wouldn’t take the wrong bus home and got lost in Cannes in the middle of the night. It was still raining and we had no umbrellas.


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