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Festival de Cannes Day #6

25. maj 2012

Cannes, 21. Maj 2012 - Naš zadnji dan na festivalu smo izkoristili za druženje / poslavljanje od novih ter starih filmskih kolegov. Dan smo začeli na Short Film Cornerju, kjer smo si ogledali nekaj filmov. Dan smo nadaljevali na kavici z slovensko filmarsko ekipo, zaključili pa na projekciji restavriranega filma Tess. Projekcije se je udeležila tudi filmska ekipa, z Romanom Polanskim na čelu. Še zadnjič smo se sprehodili okoli palače nato pa se odpravili proti aparmaju. Cannes - se vidimo drugo leto.

Ne spreglejte še zadnič: Vlog Tima in Davida – Dan #6
Cannes, 21. May 2012 - We spend our last day of the festival meeting our old and new film friends. We already said “Goodbye” to some of them. Later we got a cup of coffee with the Slovenian film crew. For big finish, we attended the screening of the restored film Tess by Roman Polanski, who attended the screening as well. After the film we went for a walk around the “Palais” for the last time and then slowly went home. Cannes - see you next year.


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