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Out of the Box & International FilmFest

29. maj 2012

V sredo, 30.05.2012 smo gosti na prvi ediciji dogodka Out of the Box Students v kinu Udarnik s pričetkom ob 10. uri zjutraj. Prvi dogodek OBStudents bo potekal pod naslovom »Z zanosom do zvezd – Uspeh med študijem, znanjem, željo, voljo, trudom in srečo«. Študenti, absolventi in diplomanti Univerze v Mariboru bodo predstavili svoje zgodbe, ki so jih ustvarili na različnih področjih: v športu, glasbi, filmu, tehnologiji, poslu in še kje. Zraven nas bodo svoje zanimive zgodbe predstavljali tudi: smučar Filip Flisar, stand-up komik Tin Vodopivec, vodja Študentske formule UM Dino Florjančič, bobnar skupine Elvis Jackson Marko Soršak, snovalec You’re up Radio Boštjan Eržen, kreativni vodja ZimoTV Nikola Jozić in Denis Povh s svojo idejo o inovativnem pridobivanju energije.

Hkrati vas popoldan vabimo na Mednarodnih študentski FilmFest 2012. V selekciji festivala so Missing the Moment, Last Lunch in Kriza. Dogodek se prične ob 16. uri prav tako v kinu Udarnik.

Vljudno vablejni! Se vidimo!
On Wednesday, 30.05.2012 we are guests at the first edition of Out of the Box Students at the Udarnik cinema. The event starts at 10am. Students, candidates for graduation and alumni of the University of Maribor will present their stories from different fields of studies and work: sports, music, film, technology, business and more. Udarnik Cinema will host successful students and former students of the university who will reveal the secrets to their successful lives, work and studies: ski-cross World Cup winner Filip Flisar; stand-up comedian Tin Vodopivec; Dino Florjančič, head of Formula Student at the University of Maribor; Film Factory producer Mojca Pernat; Elvis Jackson drummer Marko Soršak; Boštjan Eržen, creator of YourupRadio; Nikola Jozić, owner of ZimoTV and Denis Povh, who will present his vision of an innovative approach to energy acquisition.

Latter in the evening we invite you to join us at the International Student FilmFest 2012. In the official sellection there are three of our films Missing the Moment, Last Lunch and Kriza. The event starts at 4pm also at cinema Udarnik

Welcome! See you there.


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