Te mika Neskončni vozel DVD? Lajkaj Facebook fan page Filmskega društva Film Factory in treh naših najnovejših projektov: Neskončni vozel, Last Lunch in Missing the Moment. Pod tekstom lahko najdete bližnjice do Lajkov. Izmed vseh, ki boste lajkali vse štiri strani, bomo izžrebali 20 srečnežev, ki bodo v svojo filmsko zbirko lahko dodali tudi Neskončni vozel. 3,4.. LIKE! :D Rezultate bomo objavili 25.5.2012.
Would you like a Neverending knot DVD? All you have to do, is to Like our four Facebook fan pages: Film Factory, Neverending knot, Last Lunch and Missing the Moment. Under the text you can find shotcuts to the Like buttons. From all of you, who will like all four of our Facebook fan pages, we will select 20 lucky persons, who are going to receive a brand new Neverending knot DVD for their movie collection. 3, 2, 1, Like! Results will be revealed on Fri, 25th of May 2012.
Film Factory
Missing the Moment
Last Lunch
Neskoncni Vozel
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