S ponosom vam predstavljamo naš nov avtorski projekt - kratki film z naslovom Missing the Moment . V mesecu marcu se je odvilo 8 snemalnih dni - imeli smo se super in posneli super material. Tematika filma je minljivost trenutka, ki postane točno takrat, ko ga zamudimo, izgubljen. Gre za kratki film s poudarkom na vizualnosti in sporočilu. Vas zanima zgodba filma, kdo so igralci in ustvarjalci, kako je potekalo snemanje oz. želite videti prve utrinke filma? Spremljajte pot filma na NOVI uradni Facebook fan strani filma Missing the Moment in Facebok strani Filmskega društva Film Factory. Ne pozabit LAJKAT!
We are proud to announce our new project – short film titled Missing the Moment. In March we had 8 shooting days – we had a wonderful time and we shoot great film material. Topic of the film is fleetingness of the moment, which is lost at the moment we miss it. The film is based on message and strong visual look. Do you want to know the story? Who are main actors and authors? Do you want to know how we shoot the film day by day? You can follow the films path at our brand NEW Facebook Missing the Moment fan page and our Facebook Film Factory fan page. Don't forget to LIKE them!
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