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Missing the Moment - Best Short Film

3. jun. 2012

Odličen festivalski začetek za kratki film Missing the Moment.  Mednarodni študentski FilmFest (International Student FilmFest) je prvi festival na katerem je film sodeloval in prejel prvo nagrado. Festival je potekal v sredo, 30.03.2012 v kinu Udarnik v okviru Medijskega dne. V selekciji je bilo 30 kratkih filmov. Film Missing the Moment si je po mnenju žirije, ki so jo sestavljali Klemen Dvornik, Zoran Medved in Irena Bedrač, zaslužil naziv "Najbolši kratki igrani film festivala". Preberite tudi članek o dogodku v časopisu Večer.
What a great festival start for the short film Missing the Moment. International Student Filmfest is the first festival in which the film participated and already won its first award. The festival was held on wednesday, 30.03.2012 at the cinema Udarnik within Media day event. In selection was 30 short films. Jury, which consisted of Klemen Dvornik, Zoran Medved and Irena Bedrač, decided that Missing the Moment earns the title "The best short fiction film of the festival" . You can also read an article about the event in the newspaper Večer.

Photo by: Kristina Keber
Photo by: Kristina Keber
Photo by: Kristina Keber



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