Kratki film Franc (avtorji: Tilen Berglez, Primož Robnik in Vanja Gligorović), ki je nastal pod našim mentorstvom v okviru projekta Mladibor, je prejel nagrado za najboljši dokumentarni film Mednarodnega filmskega festivala otroškega in mladinskega filma (Gorišnica, 2012).
Mnenje žirije (Andrea Antolic, prof. (Avstrija), David Sipoš, režiser in snemalec (AGRFT Ljubljana) in Lojze Matjašič, igralec):
Govoriti o ljudeh na obrobju družbe lahko hitro izpade zelo melanholično in brezupno. A dokumentarni film mladih ustvarjalcev ob pripovedi o brezdomcu Francu, ki najde zavetišče, zaključi pripoved zelo pozitivno in s sporočilom, da se srečo da najti v majhnih stvareh - če jih človek le zna ceniti.
Avtorjem iskreno čestitamo! Zelo smo ponosni! Na spodnjem linku si lahko ogledate cel film.
A short film Franc (authors: Tilen Berglez, Primoz Robnik and Vanja Gligorović), which was shot under our supervision (@ our workshop) in the project Mladibor, received the award for Best Documentary Film at International Film Festival of Children's and Youth Film (Gorišnica, 2012).
Jurys opinion (Andrea Antolić, prof. (Austria), David Sipos, director and cameraman (ADRFT, Ljubljana) and Lojze Matjašič, actor):
To talk about people on the margins of society can easily get melancholic and hopeless. For young documentary film makers that tell us a story about a homeless man named Franc that finds shelter and finish the story on a vey positive note and with a clear message that we can find happiness in small things - if only we can appreciate, this is a notable achievement.
Congratulations to the authors. We are very proud! You can see the whole film below.
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