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Odense Talent Camp 2012

26. avg. 2012

Mitja je bil povabljen na Odense Talent Camp 2012, kjer je predstavljal naš novi film Missing the Moment in sodeloval na delavnicah in predavanje Talent Campa z zelo priznanimi filmskimi ustvarjalci kot sta Jan Harlan, dologoletni producent Stanley-a Kubrick-a in režiserka Lone Scherfig, ki je znana po filmih One Day (z Anne Hathaway v glavni vlogi), Dogmovski film Italian for Beginners in z Oskarjem nominiranim filmom An Education.
Mitja was invited to join the Odense Talent Camp 2012 and present our new film Missing The Moment and participate at the talent camp with a lot of high profile master classes such as a master class by Jan Harlan the producer from Stanley Kubrick, Lone Scherfig who directed films like One Day with Anne Hathaway, the dogme 95 film Italian for Beginners and the Oscar nominated film An Education.


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