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Missing the Moment at 15th FSF

25. sep. 2012

Z veseljem sporočamo, da se je naš najnovešjši film Missing the Moment uvrstil v tekmovalni program 15. Festivala slovenskega filma. Film je bil izbran izmed 76 prijavljenih kratkih filmov. Letos festival ponuja novo glavno prizorišče - veliki portoroški avditorij, ki sprejme tudi do 1500 gledalcev. Na prizorišču, kjer bo tako otvoritev kot tudi zaključek in podelitev nagrad, je nas doletela čast da se bo film Missing the Moment, kot eden izmed redkih predvajal na posebno velikem platnu (16x9m), pod upamo da zvezdnatim nebom, v amfiteatru Portoroškega Avditorija in vse to v novi visokokvalitetni digitalni projekciji. To bo hkrati nasplošno naša prva DCP kopija filma (novodobni nadomestek filmskega traku v kinodvoranah). Projekcija bo v soboto 29.08.2012, ob 19.30 uri, kot že rečeno v Portoroškem Avditoriju. Vljudno Vabljeni.
We are proud to announce that our newest film Missing the Moment was selected for the official competition at 15th Festival of Slovenian Film. From 76 short films that arrived at the festival it was selected as one of the few to be screened at the new festival venue which will also host the opening and rewards ceremony. This outdoor venue can except up to 1500 spectators and will have a big screen of 16x9 meters. All projections there will be in new digital projection technologies which also means this will be our first ever DCP (Digital Cinema Package). The screening will take place on Saturday the 29th of September 2012 at the Avditorij Portorož amphitheatre under clear sky full of stars.


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