Ponovno je za nami še ena edicija festivala slovenskega filma. Letošnji festivalski program, ki je letos prvič potekal kar štiri dni, so dopolnjevale tudi okrogle mize in predavanja, katerih smo se vestno udeleževali. Ogledali smo si tudi številne filme tekmovalnega in spremljevalnega programa.
Projekcija, ki smo jo vsi nestrpno čakali, je bila seveda projekcija našega novega igranega filma Missing the Moment. Film je bil na urnik uvrščen kot predfilm filmu Vaje v objemu, pod režijo Metoda Pevca. Vzdušje je bilo odlično in vsi smo nestrpno čakali, da se film začne. Na naše začudenje je teh deset minut minilo zelo hitro. Izkušnja gledanja tega filma na tako velikem platnu je bila skoraj malo nerealna zato nas je to še toliko bolj prevzelo in nam izkušnjo naredilo še prekratko. Po odjavni špici smo na odru predstavili ekipo, ki je soustvarila film. Po podatkih organizatorjev si je naš film Missing the Moment, ki je bil projiciran z DCP filmske kopije, ogledalo okoli 500 gledalcev.
Tudi tokrat smo Portorož zapustili polni novih poznanstev, izkušenj, znanja in lepih spominov. Ker fotografije povedo več kot besede, spodaj pripenjamo še nekaj trenutkov, ki jih je ujel fotoaparat.
Year is around and another edition of Slovenian film festival is over. This year festival lasted for four days and in addition, it hosted master classes given by various film industry professionals. Of course we attended as many master classes and film screenings as we could.
The screening that we were waiting for was, of course, the screening of our newest short fiction “Missing the moment”. Our film was screened before the feature “Vaje v objemu”. The atmosphere was magical and we were getting a little anxious. Watching our film on a giant screen from DCP format was a magical experience and it was over too soon. The screening attended about 500 people. After the screening it was time to introduce the film crew to the audience. We were very happy to see almost the complete crew joining us at festival.
We left festival site with a bunch of new experiences, knowledge, friendships and lovely memories. Because a picture tells more than a thousand words we are attaching some moments that were caught by our camera.
Photo by: Bostjan Selinsek & Daniela Škof
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