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Kreten na premieri

24. okt. 2012

Ste že kdaj stali v vrsti? In vam je šel kreten pred vami blazno na živce? Kaj pa, če bi stali v vrsti s hipsterjem, nimfomanko, stonerjem in poslovnežem? Na to vprašanje poskuša odgovoriti kratki film Kreten pred mano, dokumedija oziroma parodija dokumentarcev o totalno banalnih stvareh.
Film, ki je nastal v okviru filmske delavnice Filmskega društva Film Factory s podporo Maribor 2012 - Evropske prestolnice kulture 2012, bo doživel svojo premiero v četrtek, 25. 10. 2012, ob 19.00 na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko računalništvo in informatiko v Mariboru.
Več o filmski delavnici in filmu lahko preberete na naši starejši objavi na blogu, več o premieri na pa uradni Facebook strani.
Have you ever stood in line? Did you really hate the jerk in front of you? What if you would stand in line with a hipster, nymphomaniac, stoner and businessman? The film Kreten pred mano (Jerk in front of me) discuss this exact question. It is a parody, a mocumentary, of documentaries which talks about nothing but bullsh*t.
The film was shot during the FA Film Factory film workshop, with the support of Maribor 2012 – European capital of culture 2012.
The premiere of the film will be on Thursday, 25. of October 2012, at 19.00 in Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Read more about the film workshop in our earlier post and get more information about the premiere on official Facebook page.


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