Premiere filma Kreten pred mano, ki je bila v četrtek, 25. 10. 2012, na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko računalništvo in informatiko v Mariboru, se je udeležilo kar precejšnje število obiskovalcev. Deset minutni film in »Blooperji« oz. Making of so gledalce dodobra nasmejali. Po ogledu filma so sledila številna vprašanja za ustvarjalce in mentorje filma, povečalo pa se je že tudi zanimanje za prihajajočo Film Factory filmsko delavnico. Film, ki je nastal na naši filmski delavnici "Od ideje do filma" s podporo Maribor 2012 - Evropske prestolnice kulture si lahko ogledate zgoraj. Pod postom pa si lahko ogledate tudi kratki film o tem kako je film nastal in seveda slike s premiere. Slike s snemanja pa lahko najdete v tem postu.
The premiere of the short film Kreten pred mano (Jerk in front of me), which took place on Thursday, 25th of October 2012, in Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Maribor, was a huge success. The screening hall was full and the ten minute long film made everybody laugh. The authors and mentors of the film even had a short Q and A after the screening. You can watch the whole film now on-line (on the top of the post) and also the Making of at the bottom of the post where you will also find some pictures from the premiere. Photos from the making of the film were published at this post.
Photos by: Kristina Keber
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