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Happy New Year

27. dec. 2012

Noro leto je za nami! Zelo smo veseli vseh novih znanj, ki smo si jih nabrali, vseh filmov, ki smo jih naredili/si jih ogledali in vseh novih prijatelstev, ki smo jih navezali. Že zdaj se veselimo novih dogodivščin in izzivov, ki nas čakajo v letu 2012. Vesele in srečne praznike in veselo, srečno in uspešno novo leto 2013! ✇ Ekipa Filmskega društva Film Factory ✇
It was a hell of a year :) We are so happy for all the new knowledge we got, films we've made/seen & all new friends we've meet this year! We are looking forward to the new chaleges that are wating for us in 2013! Happy Hollidays to you all and a great new year :) ✇ Film Factory Team ✇


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