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Missing the Moment @ Filofest 2012

3. dec. 2012

Z veseljem vam sporočamo, da se je film Missing the Moment uvrstil v tekmovalni del Mednarodnega festivala študentske filmske in video produkcije Filofest 2012, ki se bo odvijal med 10. in 14. decembrom 2012 na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Film Missing the Moment bo na sporedu v torek 11.12.2012 ob 11:20 uri (program). Leta 2010 je na tem istem festivalu slavil naš film Neskončni vozel, kjer je prejel nagrado za najboljši scenarij in najboljši film festivala. Letos je festival še dodatno okrepljen in ponovno ponuja tudi številne filmske dogodke. Več o festivalu si lahko preberete na strani festivala ali uradni facebook strani festivala.
We are happy to announce that our film Missing the Moment was selected for the official selection of International student film and video festival Filofest 2012. The festival will take place between 10th and 14th of December 2012 on Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Film Missing the Moment will be screened on Tuesday 11th of December 2012 at 11:20am (programe). Let us remind you that our film Neverending knot was very successful at this festival 2 years ago when it received the award for best screenplay and best film of the festival award. This year the festival is even bigger and better and again has nice accompanying programme. You can read more on the festival site or on the official Facebook page.


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