Filmska šola II. gimnazije Maribor se je pričela! Četrta edicija skupnih filmskih delavnic z Drugo gimnazijo bo potekala v novi preobleki, in sicer s strokovnim vodjo Miho Hočevarjem. Po prvem srečanju z učenci smo Film Factoryjevci polni dobrih vtisov in se že veselimo soustvarjanja njihovih filmov. Več o projektu lahko preberete v Večerovem članku (celotni članek lahko najdete tukaj) ali na uradni spletni strani projekta.
II. gimnazija Maribor Film School has begun! This is the fourth time we are co-creating a film workshop with this school and this time is time for an upgrade. This time on board of the project we have a successful Slovenian film director, Miha Hočevar. After the first meeting with the students we are full of good impressions and we look forward to being mentors of their films. More about the project can be read in the newspaper Večer (only Slovenian) or on the projects official web page. Camera, lights and action. (Photo by: Igor Napast)
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