Na žalost je prvi del European Short Pitch-a že za nami. Scenaristična delavnica v Zagrebu je bila nepozabna izkušnja s katere smo odnesli veliko novega znanja in poznanstev. Srečali smo stare filmske prijatelje, ter spoznali še več novih. Naš urnik je bil natrpan z raznimi debatami, pogovori, predavanji in seveda delu na scenarijih. Delo na scenariju animiranega filma “Honey can you take my human for a walk?” pa se šele prav začenja. Radi bi se zahvalili vsem, še posebej mentorjem, za konstruktivne debate, kritike in nasvete, ki bodo izboljšali scenarij. Zelo smo veseli da smo lahko del ESP-ja in se že veselimo koprodukcijskega foruma v Luksemburgu.
Sadly, first part of European Short Pitch is already over. In this week we spent in Zagreb we learned a bunch of new stuff about screenwriting and pitching. The schedule was full with discussions, debates, master classes and parties. We didn’t sleep much, but we had a lot of fun. So now it is the time to re-write the screenplay for “Honey can you take my human for a walk?” and prepare for pitching in Luxemburg in March. Thanks a lot to everybody for comments and discussions we had. It was an awesome experience and we are honored to be a part of it.
Photo by: Nisi Masa & Film Factory
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