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GENERATOR 2013 Report

4. feb. 2013

Generator, avdiovizualni forum za mlade, nas je napolnil z novo energijo. Okrepili smo stara filmska prijateljstva ter spoznali kopico nadarjenih filmarjev. Udeležili smo se številnih predavanj, na katerih smo nadgradili znanje o distribuciji, produkciji, financiranju, prodaji filmov in filmskih festivalih. Časa za ogled Strasbourga ni bilo veliko. Po napornem vikendu si malo odpočijemo, zberemo misli in že spet pakiramo. Se vidimo v Berlinu! Spodaj prilagamo še nekaj slik.
GENERATOR: Youth Audiovisual Forum was a success and filed us with new energy. We have meet a lot of new talented film-makers and finally had time to have a chat with those we've meet before. We participated many different lectures, panels and workshops and gained a lot of new knowledge about distribution, production, funding and film festivals. Sadly there was not a lot of time for sightseeing in Strasbourg. Just a little rest after this busy weekend and than we're off to Berlin. See you at Berlineale 2013. More pictures below.

Photo: Film Factory & Nisi Masa


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