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Honey in World of Shorts Berlinale issue

8. feb. 2013

Za vas imamo dobro novico! Naš novi projekt "Honey, can you take my human for a walk?" je predstavljen v Berlinalski ediciji revije Daazo’s World of Shorts. Pitch projekta je bil izbran med sedem najboljših po izboru Daazo-ta. Za vse ki vas zanima kako bo izgledal naš novi projekt, lahko najdete pitch page na strain 33. Celoten članek pa se nahaja na straneh 26 – 35. Spletno verzijo revije lahko najdete spodaj pod besedilom ali tukaj, tiskano verzijo pa lahko poiščete na prizoriščih Berlinala.
We have awesome news! Our new project “Honey, can you take my human for a walk?” is presented in the Berlinale edition issue of Daazo's World of Shorts magazine. The project’s pitch was selected among the seven best at Daazo Pitch page competition. So, anyone who wants to know more about our new project can find the pitch on page 33. You can find the whole article on pages 26 – 35. You can read Daazo’s World of Shorts magazine here or below the text. You can find the print copy at the Berlinale's venues!


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