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MTM - Meet The Team

19. mar. 2013

Pri ustvarjanju kratkega filma Missing the Moment je sodelovalo kar nekaj ljudi. Jedro ekipe sestavljamo Mitja Mlakar – režiser, scenarist, montažer in VFX, Mojca Pernat – producentka in organizatorica snemanja ter Miha Šubic – asistent režije in montaže.

Pri pripravah in na snemanju pa so nam pomagali še številni sodelavci. Z nekaterimi smo že dolgoročni sodelavci, z drugimi smo sodelovali prvič. Vsekakor je bilo sodelovanje z vsemi zelo zanimivo in zabavno.

Mojca Škof je poskrbela za masko, Kristjan Skamljič pa za frizure, še posebaj velko dela pa je imel z lasuljo. Ja prav ste prebrali lasuljo. O čem govorimo boste lahko prebrali v naslednjih postih. Z njima smo sodelovali že pri preteklih projektih in smo jih z veseljem ponovno povabili k sodelovanju. Tudi tokrat sta odlično opravila svojo nalogo, ki ni bila preprosta.

Pomemben del ekipe sta bili tudi naša scenograifinja Mojca Breg, ki je okrasila lepo in polno detajlov sobo našega glavnega protagonista in naša kostumografinja Tjaša Frumen, ki je med drugim poskrbela za sexy outfit.

“On set "photography” in “making of” material, ki ga boste lahko premierno videli v soboto pa so zagotovili objektivi in kamere naših Makingoffovcev Urške Drofelnik, Roka Deželak in Boštjana Selinšeka.

In nenazadnje to odlično glasbo, ki ponovno doda še en sloj temu filmu, je posebaj za fim napisal naš komponist Tim Žibrat.

Ne zamudite našega naslednjega posta, ki bo govoril o ljudeh brez katerih bi naše platno bilo prazno. Več slik spodaj.
Quite a few people participated in creating of the short fiction film Missing the Moment. Members of the core team are; Mitja Mlakar – director, screenwriter, editor and VFX artist, Mojca Pernat – producer and organizer of the shooting and Miha Šubic – assistant director and editor.

We joined forces with bunch of other creative and talented people which all took part in the creation of the film. We already collaborated with some of them before. But we also worked with some of them for the first time and all of us enjoyed the collaboration. In any case, the cooperation with all of them was interesting and fun.

Mojca Škof was in charge of the make-up, Kristjan Skamljič worked on the hairstyles and had a hard time especially with working with a wig. Yes a wig. What we are talking about you will see in future blogs. A vital part of the team were also our set designer Mojca Breg, who decorated the beautiful and full of details room of our main character Peter and Tjaša Frumen who among other things created the sexy costumes.

On set photography and making of material which you will have the opportunity to see for the first time on Saturday, was provided by our "making-of girl and guys" Urška Drofelnik, Rok Deželak and Boštjan Selinšek.

And last but not least the fantastic music which underlays jet another layer to our film was made by our music composer Tim Žibrat.

Do not miss our next blog post where we will find out who are the persons without whom our canvas would blank. More photos below.

Photos by: Rok Deželak, Urška Drofelnik, Boštjan Selinšek.


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