Naš glavni protagonist Peter je mlad talentirani umetnik, ujet v času, ki je neizprosen. Zaradi pritiskov iz okolice je zelo obremenjen z razpletom dogodkov, ki so pomembni za njegovo kariero. Ujet je v trenutku prihodnosti in ne more izživeti sedanjosti. Petra je upodobil Nejc Birsa.
Punco v rdečem, ki spremeni Petrovo življenje, je igrala Nives Brauner. Pretvorba Nives v njen lik je zahteval kar veliko truda za Mojco Škof in Kristjana, saj je Nives v času snemanja imela kratke lase, v scenariju pa je bila zamišljeno dekle z dolgimi lasmi.
V filmu je vlogo dekana umetniške fakultete zaigral Bojan Petek.
Kot statisti se v filmu pojavijo tudi Ines Cerkvenčič, Maja Žigart, Robert Fišer, Bojan Klavžar, Magdalena Veleski, Simon Komar in David Zakelšek. Ker smo pri nekaterih scenah potrebovali veliko število mimoidočih, se kot statisti v filmu pojavijo tudi člani filmske ekipe. Ob tej priložnosti bi se radi zahvalili vsem sodelujočim, ki so si vzeli čas in brez plačila bili pripravljeni sodelovati in pomagati pri projektu.
Our main protagonist Peter, is a young talented artist, caught in inexorable time. He is worrying about development of the events which are important to his career, because of the pressures from outside world. He is caught in moment in future and cannot experience life in present. We casted Nejc Birsa for the role of Peter.
Nives Brauner played the role of Girl in red who changes Peter’s life. But transformation of Nives into her character took a lot of energy and time for our makeup artist Mojca Škof and hairstylist Kristjan. Nives cut of her long hair only few weeks before shooting and we needed long haired girl.
Bojan Petek took the role of art school dean. He was just perfect for the role.
Due to higher production value of the film, we had a bunch of extras as well. Ines Cerkvenčič, Maja Žigart, Robert Fišer, Bojan Klavžar, Magdalena Veleski, Simon Komar and David Zakelšek all helped us to create our film world look much crowded. But they were just not enough sometimes. Sometimes shooting crew members walked in front of the camera as well. We would like to use this opritunity to thank all of you, who volunterly helped us bringing this motion picture to life.
Photos by: Rok Deželak, Urška Drofelnik, Boštjan Selinšek.
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