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MTM - Peter's room

23. mar. 2013

Produkcija filma Missing the Moment je bil za nas nov izziv, še posebej na področju posebnih efektov, maske in scenografije. Ena izmed scenografsko zahtevnejših scen je bila Petrova soba. Sceno Petrove sobe smo postavili pri Tjaši doma, kjer smo morali premakniti skoraj vse kose pohištva, da smo dosegli želen izgled sobe. Sobo smo nato opremili z rekviziti; petrovimi umetninami, njegovimi osebnimi predmeti, oblekami, itd. Petrove umetnine nam je priskrbela scenografinja Mojca Breg, ki nam je prav tako pomagala pri postavitvi scene. Glede na to da je Missing the Moment kratki film, v njem lahko opazite številne različne obleke oz. kostume. Tako Peter, kot punca v rdečem, sta imela različne kostume v različnih scenah, od uradnih oblek, do sexy spodnjega perila. Spodaj si lahko pogledate kratek video o tem kako smo Tjašino sobo spremenili v Petrovo sobo. O tem kako so potekali posamezni snemalni dnevi in kaj vse se je med snemanjem doagjalo na setu, vam razkrijemo po premieri filma.
Every new project is a challenge for us. Production of short fiction film Missing the Moment was no exception, especially in the field of scenography, special effects and make-up. We shoot »Peter's room« at Tjaša's home. We spend one full day to rearrange the furniture and all props to achieve our desired vision of the set. Our scenographer Mojca Breg helped us with the set design and she provided us with Peter's paintings as well. Missing the Moment is a short film, but you can see a lots of different costumes in it. Peter, as well as girl in red, have a variety of different costumes, from formal suit, to sexy Lingerie. Below you can see a time-lapse of how Tjaša's room was converted into Peter's room. After the premiere we will reveal making of secrets. Stay tuned.


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