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Pitching Honey in Luxembourg

14. mar. 2013

Žal je že za nami tudi drugi del Nisi Masa European Short Pitch-a. Naš scenarij, ki smo ga v Zagrebu razvijali, smo v Luksemburgu predstavili oz. pitchali, evropskim producentom in tako iskali možnosti koprodukcije. Pred tem smo seveda naš pitch dopolnjevali, spreminjali, popravljali, pilili, vadili, vadili in vadili. Naš trud se je poplačal saj je pitch na koncu izpadel fenomenalno ter cilj, ki smo si ga zastavili, tako tudi dosegli. Kasneje so sledila še one-on-one srečanja s producenti. Vse skupaj pa se je končalo s prijetnim druženjem z organizatorji, mentorji, producenti in ostalimi udeleženci pozno v noč. Luksemburg smo zapustili polni novih izkušenj, ki nam bodo v prihodnje še zelo koristile. Radi bi se zahvalili organizaciji Nisi Masa, organizatorjem tega dogodka in seveda vsem mentorjem še posebaj pa mentorici našega projekta Nadji in nenazadnje hvala tudi vse ostalim udeležencem za vso pomoč in super skupne trenutke. Hvala! Tukaj lahko še najdete nekaj slik ter izjave in komentarje drugih udeležencev.
Second part of NIsi Masa Erupean Short Pitch is over. In Luxembourg we got the chance to pitch the project we developed in Zagreb, to various European producers in search for co-production. But firstly we had to develop, change, fix and practice our pitch. We are happy to say that the pitch was very well delivered and audience loved it. Hard work was repaid and we believe we achieved our goal. After the pitching sessions we had one-on-one meetings with the producers. Everything ended up late at night with B52s on fire. We had a very nice time meeting and hanging around with tutors, organizers, producers and of course, other participants. We left Luxembourg with good memories and full of new experiences and knowledge which will help us in our future careers. We really want to thank all of the kind people at Nisi Masa for organising this kind of events and also all the tutors especially our tutor Nadja and last but not least we want to thank to all the great participants of ESP for a really great time. You are a great inspiration and we wish you all the best with your projects. Thank You! Check out some photos and confessions of other participants on Nisi Leaks blog.


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