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Premiera filma Missing The Moment

1. mar. 2013

Po številnih festivalskih predvajanjih se bo kratki igrani film Missing the Moment končno predstavil širši javnosti. Film, ki je svojo festivalsko premiero doživel na Short film Cornerju Cannskega filmskega festivala, se bo prvič na ne-festivalskem platnu pojavil v soboto, 23. marca 2013, ob 20.00 uri, v mariborskem kinu Udarnik. Projekciji bo sledil pogovor z igralci in ustvarjalci ter dodaten program, ki bo zaokrožil filmski večer in zadovoljil še tako zahtevne cineaste. Po prireditvi bo sledilo sproščeno druženje z ustvarjalci, igralci, obiskovalci, cineasti, kulturniki in vsemi, ki se nam bodo 23. marca pridružili v kinu Udarnik.

Vstop prost. Vabljeni!
After successful screenings at various film festivals, our short fiction film Missing the Moment will finally premiere for wide audience on Saturday, 23rd of March 2013, at 20.00 in cinema Udarnik in Maribor. The film had its world wide festival premiere at last years Festival de Cannes Short film corner. A talk with authors and actors will follow the screening, as well as short making of and some bonus film program which will complete our movie night. After the main program, you are kindly invited for a drink in cinema lobby and to chat with authors, actors, cineasts, cinefiles and all other who will join us on this lovely evening.

Free entry. See you there!


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