Leto 2013 se je začelo resnično naporno. Po januarskem Strasbourgu ter februarskem Berlinu in Luxembourgu, se je naša producentka Mojca Pernat, tik pred premiero filma Missing the Moment, udeležila Student Campusa GoShort v Nizozemskem mestu Nijmegen, kamor je bila povabljena kot ena izmed 15 talentiranih mladih filmskih producentov iz vse Evrope. Imela je priložnost pobližje spoznati filmsko industrijo, poslušati številna predavanja o produkciji in distribuciji ter si ogledati mnogo filmov na festivalu Go Short. Ponovno je strokovni javnosti predstavljala naš projekt "Honey, can you take my human for a walk", ki je bil zelo dobro sprejet tako tukaj kot že na European Short Pitch 2013.
The year 2013 started really busy. After the visit of Strasbourg in January and the visit of Beriln and Luxembourg in February and just before our premiere of our film Missing the Moment our producer Mojca Pernat flew to Nijemegen (Netherlands) to take part of GoShort Student campus where she was invited as one of 15 young talented producers from all over Europe. She had the opportunity to take a closer look at the film industry, listen to a lot of great lectures about film production and distribution and to see a lot of films at the short film festival GoShort. She also again presented our new project in the making, the short animation "Honey, can you take my human for a walk" to the industry people. And they were once again blown away as they were at the European Short Pitch 2013 in February.
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