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Not missing the festivals

3. jun. 2013

Z veseljem sporočamo, da se je naš film Missing the Moment uvrstil v program Videa na plaži festivala Kino Otok, ki se bo ta teden odvijal v Izoli. Če vas konec tedna pot zanese na obalo, vabljeni k ogledu filma, ki se bo na velikem platnu pojavil v petek, 7. junija 2013.
Missing the Moment bo na Kino Otok pripotoval direktno iz Nemčije, natančneje Weimarja, kjer je bil predvajan v tekmovalnem programu za »Modro« nagrado filmskega festivala backup_, ki je potekal od 22. do 26. maja 2013. Več o festivalu si lahko preberete na uradni spletni strani festivala.
Our short fiction film Missing the Moment is not missing the festivals. It will be screened this weekend on Slovenian seaside in “Video on the beach” program of film festival Kino Otok. If you happen to be in Izola, Slovenia on Friday, 7th of June 2013, don’t miss the opportunity to see Missing the Moment on a big screen.
We are proud to say that, Missing the Moment will travel to Kino Otok directly from Weimar, Germany, where it was competing for “Blue award” of backup_ film festival. You can find more about the festival here.


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