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Audience award

20. jun. 2013

Medijski dan 2013 in FilmFest, ki sta potekala 5. in 6. junija na FERI in kinu Udarnik, sta gostila številna predavanja in projekcije raznovrstnih filmov. Med njimi sta se predvajala tudi naš Behind the moment, kratki dokumentarec o snemanju filma Missing the Moment, ter oglas za projekt Premisli. Predvajanih pa je bilo tudi nekaj filmov, ki so nastali na naših filmskih delavnicah, med drugimi tudi Kreten pred mano, ki je publiko spravil v smeh ter si tako prislužil nagrado občinstva. Čestitke avtorjem!
Media Day 2013 & FilmFest, held on 5th and 6th of June 2013 at FERI and cinema Udarnik, Maribor, hosted various lectures and screenings. Our films; Behind the Moment, a short documentary about our film Missing the Moment, and a short commercial for project Re-Think were both screened at the festival. A film made during one of our workshops, Kreten pred mano (Jerk in front of me), made audience laugh so much, that they awarded the film with audience award. Congrats to the authors!


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