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From Russia with love

3. jul. 2013

Vzporedno Moskovskemu filmskemu festivalu je letos že petič potekal Generation Campus; platforma za perspektivne filmske ustvarjalce, ki je potekala med 19. in 25. junijem 2013. Udeleženci, razdeljeni v 8 različnih laboratorijev, so razvijali svoje projekte pod mentorstvom strokovnjakov. Miha Šubic, režiser in scenarist našega projekta v razvoju “Honey, can you take my human for a walk?”, je bil sprejet v laboratorij “Animation Studio”, kjer je pod mentorstvom priznanega animatorja Carlosa Lascana razvijal omenjen projekt.
Poudarek »Animation Studi-a« je bil osebnostni in vizualni razvoj filmskih likov, ter vizualnega stila filma na splošno. Vsak udeleženec je prav tako izdelal tudi plakat za svoj projekt.
Udeleženci so obiskali tudi številne muzeje in razstave ter se udeležili nekaj masterclassov, med drugim tudi masterclass Jana Švankmajerja.
Vse skupaj se je končalo s predstavitvijo oz. s pitchanjem projektov pred množico producentov, mentorjev in drugih udeležencev. Zadnji večer je bil poln smeha, mreženja, debatiranja o filmih in vodke.
Generation Campus is a networking platform for young perspective filmmakers working in various departments of film industry. This year’s campus lasted for 7 days, parallel to Moscow Film Festival, from 19th till 25th of June 2013. It was divided into 8 labs; Miha Šubic, writer/director of our new project “Honey, can you take my human for a walk?” was selected for “Animation Studio” lab.
Each participant developed their own projects under mentorship of acclaimed animator Carlos Lascano. Together they were working on stories, characters, visual style and they even made a poster for the project.
In addition they visited few exhibitions and attended some master classes, including a master class of Jan Švankmajer.
Everything rounded up with final presentations and pitchings of the projects in front of producers, industry professionals, mentors and other participants. Final evening was full of networking, laughter and of course, vodka.


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