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Missing the Moment @ K3

28. jun. 2013

Mednarodni festival kratkega filma K3 poteka v treh delih; in sicer v avstrijskem Beljaku, italijanskem Vidmu ter Ljubljani. Na Slovenski del festivala je bilo uvrščenih 10 filmov, med njimi tudi naš Missing the Moment. Projekcijo filmov, ki se je odvila 26. junija v ljubljanskem Kinodvoru, je dopolnjevala okrogla miza na temo »perspektive slovenskega kratkega filma«, na kateri so sodelovali Miha Knific, Andraž Pöschl, Jelka Stergel. Predstavljeni so bili tudi vsi avtorji izbranih filmov. Naš film in filmsko društvo Film Factory na splošno sta predstavila Mojca in Mitja. Po napeti debati je na koncu je sledilo neformalno druženje s filmskimi kolegi.
International short film festival K3 is composed from three parts; Austrian part in Villach, Italian part in Udine and Slovenian part in Ljubljana. There were 10 film selected for the Slovenian part and one of them is our short film Missing the Moment directed by Mitja Mlakar. A panel discussion about perspective of Slovenian short film followed the screening on 26th June 2013 in Kinodvor, Ljubljana. Main speakers were Miha Knific, Andraž Pöschl and Jelka Stergel. Authors of selected films were presented as well. Mitja and Mojca did the good job presenting our film and our film association Film Factory. An informal mingling with fellow filmmaking colleagues followed the exciting discussion panel.


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