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Missing the Moment @ Luksuz&Tuzla FF

15. sep. 2013

Še dva nova mednarodna festivala na poti film Missing the Moment. Prvi je domači in nas spremlja že vse od naših začetkov. To je festival "Luksuz, festival poceni filma", ki ga oraganizira letos z Vesno za poseben dosežke na področju filma nagrajena organizacija Luksuz produkcija oz. DZMP Krško. Festival bo potekal med 11 in 12.10.2013

Drugi festival pa naš film popelje v BiH, kjer bo potekal 2. Tuzla film festival (FB). Missing the Moment je tudi tukaj uvrščen v tekmovalni del festivala. Festival bo potekal med 18. in 22.09.2013.

Program obeh festivalov je zelo pester in zelo smo veseli, da smo del njih. Več o programu obeh si preberite na urandih spletnih straneh.
Another two international festivals on the festival route of our film Missing the Moment. The first one is a to us very well know festival wich is a part of our story from the beginning. That is the "Luksuz film festival" which is organised by the this year national award Vesna for special achievements in film awarded organisation Luksuz produkcija (DZMP Krško). It will take place between 11th and 12th of Oktober 2013.

The second festival takes our film to BiH, where the 2nd Tuzla Film Festival (FB)will take place. Here also the film was selected for the official competition. It will take place from 18th to 22nd of September 2013.

Both of the festival have a diverse program and we are very happy to be a part of them. Read more about the program of both film festivals at their official web pages.


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