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Premiera projekta Snemamo!

20. dec. 2013

Vzgojno-izobraževalni projekt Snemamo!, sestavljen iz delavnice igranega, animiranega in dokumentarnega filma, je prišel h koncu. Na zaključni prireditvi, v petek 6. decembra 2013 v kinu Udarnik, so bili predvajani vsi, na delavnicah nastali, filmi, med njimi tudi kratki igrani film Odkleni me, ki je nastal na delavnici igranega filma pod okriljem našega mentorstva.

Film govori o Mihi, ki se rad igra detektiva. Med igro najde ključ, ki zanj postane nov izziv in detektiv se odpravi reševat uganko. Vlogo Mihe je odigral najmlaši član delavnice, trinajstletni Tevž Rogina, ki se je s filmsko igro srečal prvič. Poleg Tevža pa sta pred kamero nastopila še Monika Zorko in Igor Malić. Tehnično ekipo za kamero pa so sestavljali Lučka Goričan, Iztok Lazar, Filip Ljevar, Boštjan Selinšek in Uroš Strelec, ki so se kot ekipa odlično ujeli.

Ne pozabite si ogledati filma in dokumentarca o nastajanju filma (spodaj).

Pred premiero filmov je v Udarniku potekala okrogla miza na temo pomena filmskega izobraževanja v mestu Maribor. Po projekciji je sledila podelitev priznanj avtorjem nastalih filmov za sodelovanje pri projektu Snemamo!, večer pa se je zaključil s pogostitvijo in zabavo z živo glasbo.

Celoten zaključek projekta Snemamo! je bil uvrščen kot del festival Enimation days 2013 (Education + aNIMATION), ki je potekal od 6. do 8. decembra v Zavodu Udarnik.
Educational project Snemamo! (Shooting!) , consisting of fiction film, animation and documentary film workshops , has come to an end. At the closing ceremony , on Friday 6th of December 2013, at the Udarnik cinema in Maribor were screened all films created during workshops, including short fiction film "Unlock me" , which was created on our fiction film workshop.

The film is about Miha who likes to play detective . During the game he finds a key that becomes a new challenge and a riddle for him. Tevž Rogina played the main role, Monika Zorko and Igor Malić also appear in the film. Lučka Goričan, Iztok Lazar, Filip Ljevar, Boštjan Selinšek in Uroš Strelec were the technical crew behind the camera. Do not forget to watch the film and the making of documentary (below in Slovene only).

Before the premiere of the film, cinema Udarnik held a round table discussion about the importance of film education in the city of Maribor.

The screening of the films and closing of the project Snemamo! was included in a program as part of the festival Enimation days 2013 ( Education + Animation ) , which was held from 6th to 8th December at the cinema Udarnik .


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