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Happy Holidays!

24. dec. 2013

In spet je leto naokrog čeprav se zdi, kot da bi se komaj začelo. Za nami je ogromno oddelanih ur, novih izkušenj, novih znanj, novih poznanstev... V letu 2013 smo si zastavili in izpeljali številne projekte, mnoge filmske delavnice, izpeljali premiero kratkega igranega filma "Missing The Moment", se udeležili mnogih projekcij in filmskih večerov, obiskali veliko filmskih festivalov med drugim filmski festival 63. Berlinale in tako kot že vrsto let tudi Festival slovenskega filma v Portorožu, kot tudi druge filmske dogodke tako v Sloveniji, kot tudi drugje po Evropi (Generator 2013, Go Short Student Campus, Generation Campus,...). Z novim projektom 3D animiranim filmom "Honey can you take my human for a walk" smo bili udeleženci mednarodne koprodukcijske platforme European Short Pitch 2013, kamor je projekt bil uvreščen med 25 izbranih projektov, ta isti projekt pa je bil predstavljen tudi v reviji Daazo World of Shorts. Imeli smo tudi kar nekaj snemalnih dni med drugim tudi za film Kresnik Davida Sipoša in Jerneja Kastelca. Za nameček pa smo pognali razvoj še enega kratkega igranega filma "I'll probably never see you again". Pripravljali smo se tudi na naš, do zdaj, največji filmsko-vzgojni projekt "Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije", ki bo zaživel ob podpori Slovenskega filmskega centra v prvi polovici drugega leta. Prav tako pa smo razvijali razne projekte, ki jih bomo v prihajajočem letu 2014 tudi realizirali in med njimi so seveda tudi novi igrani filmi.

2013 se je res dogajalo. Kaj bo šele v 2014 :) Se že veselimo!

Praznično vzdušje je v polnem teku, želimo vam vesele in daril polne praznike ter srečno in uspešno novo leto 2014, ki naj bo polno dobrih filmov!
And again the year is over although it feels like it just began. Behind us is a lot of working hours, new experiences, new knowledge, new friendships... In the year 2013 we set and realised a lot of projects and goals. Among them many youth film workshops, the première of our short film "Missing The Moment", we had a lot of screenings, we visited many film festivals like the 63. Berlinale Film Festival or our national film Festival of slovenian film like we do now for a few years. We also visited a lot of film events all over Europe (Generator 2013Go Short Student CampusGeneration Campus,...).  Our new project, a 3D animated short film, "Honey can you take my human for a walk" was a part of European Short Pitch 2013 and was presented also in the magazine Daazo World of Shorts. We also had some shooting days in the year 2013 among others for the film Kresnik from the directors David Sipoš and Jernej Kastelec. Further more we launched the development on jet another short film called "I'll probably never see you again". We were also preparing on our up-till now biggest film education project with the title The Secrets of independent film production which will come alive due to support of the national film found (Slovenian film centre) in the beginning of next year. 

2013 was really crazy. What will 2014 bring? We can't wait!

The holiday spirit is all around. Film Factory wishes you a successful and most importantly a happy new year 2014 which should be full of great films.


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