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FDFF @ Youtube

10. jan. 2014

Novo leto prinaša tudi nove spremembe. Konec lanskega leta smo se kljub obilici dela odločili, da končno uredimo svoj Youtube kanal na katerem lahko od zdaj na prej najdete skoraj vse naše stvaritve (ja tudi tiste prve, ki smo jih naredili kot srednješolci) predvsem pa tudi naše najnovejše kratke filme. Med drugim pa si lahko pogledate tudi vse filme, ki so nastali na naših filmskih delavnicah in promocijske naše promocijske filme. Obilo užitkov!
New year also brings some new changes. At the end of last year we decided to renew our Youtube channel and upload almost all of our work (Yes also the old stuff we did as high school kids) and especially all of our new short films. Among others you can also see all of the films that participants of our film workshops made at our workshops and also the promotional films that we've made in the past few years.
Enjoy :)


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