V Film Factory, ob podpori Slovenskga filmskega centra in programa Mladi v akciji, pripravljamo nov, do sedaj naš najobširnejši, vzgojno-izobraževalni projekt: Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije.
Projekt filmskega opismenjevanja mladih vključuje 14 vzgojno-izobraževalnih in kulturnih ustanov, 9 predavanj, 2 simulaciji snemanja, eno filmsko delavnico in okoli 2000 mladih. Namenjen je dijakom, študentom, profesorjem, cinefilom in vsem mladim po srcu. Potekal bo od januarja do maja na različnih lokacijah v treh fazah, skozi katere se bodo udeleženci iz pasivnega poslušalca in gledalca razvili v aktivnega, mislečega, kritičnega, energičnega, "na filmskem setu kričečega", filmskega ustvarjalca.
V prvi fazi bodo udeleženci skozi predavanje in projekcijo kratkih filmov pridobili širok pregled nad filmskim ustvarjanjem, žanri, zvrstmi, industrijo, distribucijo, festivali ter filmskim svetom in kulturo na sploh. V drugi fazi bodo udeleženci prvič doživeli snemalni dan oz. simulacijo snemalnega dne. Filmska ekipa bo na odru prikazala in predstavila potek snemalnega dne na primeru snemanja ene scene igranega filma. V tretji fazi, do katere se bodo priborili le najpogumnejši in najbolj zagnani, pa bodo udeleženci, od ideje do premiere, sproducirali čisto svoj film.
Začetek projekta se neustavljivo pribljižuje, mi pa postajamo vse bolj navdušeni.
Vse zainteresirane za udeležbo vljudno vabimo, da v naslednjih dneh redno spremljate naš blog in naše uradne Facebook strani.
Pridi in posnami svoj film!
Pridi in posnami svoj film!
Več informacij lahko najdete tukaj.
We at Film Factory, with the support of the Slovenian Film Centre and the program Youth in action, are preparing a new, so far our most comprehensive, educational project; The Secrets of independent film production. The project, which will last from January and all the way up to the beginning of summer, will be held in different locations in three phases, through which participants will develop from passive listeners and viewers into an active, thinking critically, energetic, "on the film set, screaming" filmmakers. There will be about 2000 young participants and 14 educational and cultural institutions.
In the first phase , participants will gain a broad overview of filmmaking , genres , industry , distribution , festivals and film world and culture in general through lectures and screening of short films. In the second phase , participants will experience the first shooting day... in other words; a simulation of a shooting day. Our film crew will simulate the film set on stage. Every crew member will present his or hers role on the set of a fiction film.
In the third phase, which only the bravest and most enthusiastic will reach, participants will, produce their own film, from the idea to the premiere.
Start of the project is irresistible approaching and we are getting more and more excited.
If you are interested in participating in the project and you are not speaking Slovenian, don't worry, we will manage everything. Just write us at info@filmfactory.si.
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