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Kar 3 nagrade na Videomaniji!

25. maj 2014

Super novica! Na letošnji Videomaniji, festivalu mladinske filmske ustvarjalnosti, sta kar dva filma, ki sta nastala na naših filmskih delavnicah, prejela glavni nagradi. Tudi mi smo začeli na Videomaniji, zdaj pa lahko ponosno predstavimo mlade ustvarjalce, ki so pod našim mentorstvom ustvarili filme, ki se lahko pohvalijo s kar tremi nagradami, prav tako pa je poleg dveh nagrajenih med 14 najboljših, od skupno 54 prijavljenih, bil uvrščen še en film z naše delavnice - film Flika ekipe Roka Bratkoviča.

Film Alter, katerega avtor je ekipa Tilena Bergleza, je prejel tako glavno nagrado, kot tudi nagrado mladinske žirije. Prikazuje zgodbo dveh svetov, realnosti in fikcije, in posameznik se je znašel nekje vmes. Film Vse za tebe, žveplo moje, katerega avtor je Filip Ljevar in njegova ekipa, pa prav tako glavno nagrado. Prikazuje zgodbo o razredni lepotici, ki izkorišča piflarja, vendar ta na koncu le spozna njeno igro in naredi zadevi konec.

Nagrajene filme pa si lahko spodaj tudi ogledate. :)
Great news! On this year's Videomanija, the Festival of Youth Filmmaking, two films that were made in our film workshop, got the main award. We began our work on Videomanija aswell and now we can proudly represent young filmmakers that got three awards, their mentor was our crew. Besides two awarded films, there was also another one film Flika from Rok Bratkovič and his team, that was chosen and ranked among the 14th best films, of alltogether 54.

Film Alter, whose author is the team of Tilen Berglez, got the main award and the award of youth jurry. The story is about two worlds, the real one and the fiction, and the person is trappet between them. Film Vse za tebe, žveplo moje, whose author is Filip Ljevar & his team, got the main reward aswell. The story is about the most beautiful girl in class that exploits a nerd, but at the end he realises her intentions and stops her.

You can check those awarded films bellow. :)

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