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Film Factory @ Cannes 2014

15. maj 2014

Kljub temu, da nas fizično v Cannes-u letos ni, smo letošnje leto tam prisotni kot še nikoli.

Slovenski filmski center je za letošnji Cannes Film Festival pripravil katalog mladih slovenskih filmskih režiserjev. V tem katalogu, so posvečene 4 strani tudi našima mladima režiserjema Mihi in Mitji. V fizični obliki bo katalog prisoten v slovenskem paviljonu (paviljonu jugovzhodne evropske kinematografije) dostopen pa je tudi preko spleta (linki na imenih).

Zelo smo veseli tudi da je projekt I'll probably never see you again, ki je ga razvijamo v Film Factory bil izbran med 7 najbolših predstavitvenih strani, ki bodo predstavljeni v reviji World of Shorts (Daazo), ki ga v nakladi 5000 kopij delijo na vse pomembnih predelih festivalskega dogajanja. (Več o projektu najdete na straneh 58, 62 in 66 )

Naš ko-produkcijski projekt Kresnik: The Lore of Fire, ki je ravno nekaj dni nazaj uspešno zaključil prvo slovensko filmsko Kickstarter kampanjo, bosta David (režiser filma) in Tim (komponist glasbe)  (Haritude Ventures), predstavljala na Short Film Corner-ju letošnjega festivala.

Slovenski filmski center je že v začetku leta pripravil katalog slovenskih kratkih filmov, v katerem sta predstavljena tudi naša Last Lunch in Missing the Moment in je prav tako prisoten na letošnjem festivalu (več o tem).

In to še najvrjeneje ni vse... :)

Although we are physically not present in Cannes for this years edition of the film festival we are certainly well represented this year.

Firstly the Slovenian Film Centre published a catalogue featuring young slovenian film directors. There are 4 pages also deticated to our young directors Miha & Mitja. The catalouge will be available in the South-East European Pavilion of the Cannes Film Festival. It is also available on the internet. (Links on the names)

We are very happy that our project in development, I'll probably never see you again, got selected as one of 7 pitch pages to be presented in the Cannes 2014 edition of the Magazine Wolrd of Shorts (Daazo), which is distributed all across all the important venues in Cannes. (5000 copies) (You can read more about the projet on pages 58, 62 & 66)

Thirdly we are happy to announce that our co-production project Kresnik: The Lore of Fire, which was recently successfully founded through the first slovenian film Kickstarter campaign, will be presented at the Cannes Short film Corner by David (director) and Tim (music) (Haritude Ventures).

Our films Last Lunch and Missing the Moment will also be featured in the catalogue of slovenian short films which was published by the slovenian film centre earlier this year (more about this).

And probably this is not all... :)


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