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Rene Puhar

12. jul. 2010

Priden in vzoren kot otrok začne zaradi velikega nezadovoljstva in razočaranja nad šolskim sistemom in učitelji v srednji šoli krepiti svoj revolucionarni duh. Postaja uporniški, dekadenten, grozijo mu tudi z izključitvijo. Skozi šivankino uho maturira, pride na fax in se preobrazi v šminkerja. Zdaj to opravičuje z "v življenju so potrebni padci, da se lahko ponovno dvigneš". In se je. Začne ga zanimati film, glasba, tudi psihologija in filozofija. Postaja izredno pameten. Diplomira usput. A mu to prav nič ne pomeni. Dotik svobode in Boga začne iskati v tem, da se preiskuša v vsem mogočem. Nekoč v Nemčiji sreča Američana Russela, ki mu reče, da bi moral biti igralec. Misel na to mu kar ne gre in gre iz glave. Začne se snemati. Svoje filmčke objavlja na youtubu in jih širi med prijatelji. Začne obiskovati dramsko šolo. Kmalu ga povabijo k sodelovanju pri predstavi. Prepričan, da bo delal z amaterji njegovega kova, ga na prvih vajah pričakajo sami profesionalci. Globoko pogoltne. Predstavo preživi, soigralci mu celo predlagajo AGRFT. A šole ima dovolj. Zdaj ga zanimajo konkretni projekti. Zato je tu.
A good child begins to strengthen its revoutionary spirit, because of the frustration and disappointment over the school system and the teachers in high school. He is becoming a rebel, decadent, he is also threatened with exclusion from school. He barely graduates and goes to college where he becomes a player. He now justifies this with " In life you have to fall, so you can rise again" . And he did, he started to grow an interest in film, music, psychology and philosophy. He graduates from college with ease, but that doesn't mean anything to him. He starts to search for the touch of Freedom and God in the notion that you have to try everything. And one day in Germany he meets an American by the name of Russel and he says to him that he should be an actor. The thought does not leave his head, and so he starts filming. He starts to post his videos on YouTube and starts to spread them among friends. He starts to visit a drama school and is soon invited to star in a show. He is convinced that everybody will be an amateur like him, instead he is greeted by professionals. He takes a deep breath and survives the show, his co-actors suggest that he should go to AGRFT, but he has enough of school. Now he is interested in more concrete project and that is why he is here.


Anonimni pravi ...

jap, to je rene :D

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