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Nejc Petek

15. avg. 2010

Nejc Petek, rojen 3.4.1989, študent na Pravni fakulteti Mb, pred tem II. gimnazija Mb- športni oddelek, treniral smučanje od 3. do 19. leta. Od osnovne šole naprej je del mojega življenja tudi igra, tako smo s sošolci v osnovni šoli igrali na šolskih prireditvah igrali predstave Tv Dober dan z liki igralcev iz nanizanke na Pop tv po mojem prirejenem scenariju in režiji. Kasneje od konca osnovne šole do danes nekaj odigranih predstav monokomedije Matjaža Javšnika z naslovom Od Boga poslan na raznih šolskih prireditvah, valeti in porokah. Na gimnaziji sem začel z imitiranjem znanih oseb- politikov, športnikov, tv komentatorjev...tako sem od 2. letnika gimnazije do danes "naštudiral" okrog 40 likov po vzoru oddaje Hri-bar in nastopal na poroki, abrahamih, Kolovrateatru v Ljubljani, maturantskem plesu, doma pred povabljenimi gosti. Tudi v filmu se že od majnih nog želim preizkusiti, zato ta projekt zame predstavlja velik izziv.
Nejc Petek, born 3.4.1989. I am a student on the Law faculty of Maribor, before that I went to the II gimnazija Maribor. I have trained skiing from the age of 3. until the age of 19. From middle school on acting was a part of my life, where me and my school mates have performed an act from the TV series TV Dober Dan which was directed and produced by me. From middle school and to this day I have acted in a few mono-comedy acts from Matjaž Javšnik with the title Send from God, on different high school shows, weddings... . In high school I started imitating Slovenian celebrities, politicians, athletes, TV narrators... From the second year of high school and until this day I have learned to imitate over 40 characters. I also wanted to try my self in acting so this project represents a big challenge for me.


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