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Razvozlan Neskončni vozel

2. maj 2012

Tako, kratki film Neskončni vozel je končno na voljo tudi v obliki DVD-ja in počasi zaključuje svojo festivalsko pot. Da povzamemo :D Predpremiero je doživel na 13. festivalu slovenskega filma, premiero pa v nabito polnem kinu Udarnik davnega 18.10.2010. Dobro je bil sprejet tako v Soveniji kot tudi v tujini. Bil je del Turneje kratkih neodvisnih filmov, ki je prepotovala preko 30 krajev. Prejel je nagrado za najboljši scenarij in najboljši film na filmskem festivalu Filofest 2010. Uvrščen je bil v tekmovalni del filmskega festivala RAF, Grossmann, Luksuz, Trakulja, FNF ... Bil je predvajan na številnih kulturnih dnevih in prireditvah.

Na DVD-ju zraven filma najdete dokumentarec o nastajanju filma, Kako razvozlati neskončni vozel, fotografije s snemanja in prispevke medijev. Najbolj vztrajni morda najdete tudi recept za Elvisov sendvič :D

Ob tej priložnosti se zahvaljujemo HSE invest, ŠOUM-u in podjetju Anni.si, ki so pomagali financirati produkcijo DVD-ja. Za več objav o filmu kliknite tukaj.

Our short film Neverending knot is finally available for you in a DVD form and is slowly ending its festival route. To recap: pre-premiere of the film was held at the 13. Festival of Slovenian film, the premiere was held in front of a full Cinema Udarnik in Maribor at 18.10.2010. It was well accepted as well in Slovenia as it was world wide. It was also a part of a Slovenian tour of independent films and visited almost 30 locations across Slovenia. Neverending knot received among other awards the award for best Screenplay and best film of the festival Filofest 2010. It was also selected for festivals like RAF, Grossmann, Luksuz, Trakulja, Festival of independent films,... It was also screened on many different occasions and events.

Besides the full length on the DVD you can also find making of the film, photos from the shooting, media articles and many more. The most persistent ones will also find a special bonus feature.

At this opportunity we want to thank our sponsors HSE invest, ŠOUM and Anni.si who made the production of the DVD possible. For more post about the film click here.


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