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LL&FDFF @ SHQIP Film Festival

8. jul. 2012

Animirani film Last Lunch (Zadnje kosilo) je bil uvrščen v tekmovalni program filmskega festivala SHQIP, ki je potekal od 25. 6. do 30. 6. 2012 v Prištini. Festivala se je udeležil tudi avtor filma, Miha, ki je predstavljal prej omenjen film ter naše Filmsko društvo Film Factory, Mojca in Mitja pa se festivala žal nista morala udeležiti ker sta v tem času vodila filmsko delavnico na SCIM-u. Vrhunec festivala pa ni bila zaključna slovesnost, ampak otvoritev festivala, ki je potekala v kraju Drelje, v gorovju Prokletije (nadmorska višina cca. 1300m). Organizatorji so goste tja pripeljali kar s taxiji.
The Animated film Last Lunch was selected for the competition program of SHQIP International Short Film Festival, which was held in Pristina, Kosovo, from 25th till 30th of June 2012. Miha, director of the Last Lunch, also attended the festival, where he presented his film and represented our Film association Film Factory, Mitja and Mojca however could not attend the festival because they were mentoring a film workshop at SCIM. Highlight of the festival was not the award ceremony, but the opening ceremony, which was held in town of Drelje in the middle of Prokletije Mountains (altitude cca. 1300m). Organizers took festival guests there by cabs.


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