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SCIM 2012 Workshop

15. jul. 2012

Prav na SCiM, mednarodni študentski konferenci, ki spada med največje tovrstne festivale v Evropi, smo postali  mentorji že osemnajstega filma, ki je nastal na naših delavnicah. Mentorja na filmski delavnici SCiM sva bila Mitja in Mojca, Miha pa se je v tem času udeležil festivala SHQIP na Kosovem. Film nastal na SCiIM-u je večjezičen dokumentarec na temo aktivnega staranja in medgeneracijske solidarnosti, ki je bila tema celotne konference. Udeleženci filmske delavnice, ki prihajajo iz Španije, Slovaške, Madžarske in Romunije, so se s snemanjem filma srečali prvič. V 25 urah sva jim predstavila del osnov filmske teorije, skupaj smo dodelali idejo, posneli ter zmontirali film. Celotnega projekta so se lotili zelo zavzeto in tematiko skozi film predstavili iz različnih starostnih in nacionalnih perspektiv. 25 ur je za tako obširno zastavljen in tematsko obarvan projekt zelo malo. Šele, ko smo zadnji trenutek pritekli na prizorišče zaključne prireditve s končanim filmom na USB ključku, smo si vsi oddahnili ter uživali v projekciji in prijetni družbi. :D Filmček si lahko pogledate nad postom. Pod postom pa najdete tudi nekaj slik iz nastajanja filma.
At this years SCiM, the international student conference in Maribor, which is one of the biggest of its kind, we become mentors of the 18th short film that was made during our workshops. This time we were only two Mojca & Mitja because Miha had the pleasure of presenting us and Last Lunch at the film festival SHQIP in Kosovo. Film made during the workshop is a multi language documentary on the theme of active ageing and solidarity between generations which was also the theme of the conference. For the participants of the film workshop which were from Spain, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania this was their first experience with film-making. To make such a project in only in 25 hours is a big challenge but to do this in a foreign country on such a challenging theme it almost mission impossible. But it was possible because of their commitment and positive energy. Film is representing the theme from different generation and nationality perspectives. We worked really hard and till the last minute but than as we raced to the final ceremony with the film on a USB key and finally presented the film we realised it was all worth it. You can see the final film above and some photos at the bottom of this post.


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