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Nov promocijski video

24. nov. 2012

Ponovno smo posneli nov promocijski video, tokrat za Srednjo gradbeno šolo in gimnazijo Maribor. Snemanje je bilo zelo naporno, vendar prav tako tudi zelo zanimivo, saj smo snemali na številnih zanimivih lokacijah. Snemanje je potekalo več dni, na pomoč pa so nam, kot statisti, priskočili tudi številni dijaki. Končan promocijski video si lahko ogledate nad postom pod postom pa je še drugi video, ki predstavlja razred športnikov. Pod postom prilagamo še nekaj slik iz snemanja na uradni šolski Facebook strani pa lahko najdete tudi nekaj fotografij s snemanja, ki so jih posneli delavci šole.
There is another promotional video in the making. This time the promotional video is for High school for construction building and technical gymnasium Maribor. The shooting was very intense, but interesting at the same time. We shoot on a various interesting locations and interviewed a lot of interesting people. Even some pupils helped us as extras on the set. You can watch the finished video above the post. Below the post there is also the second one which is presenting the class of athletes which is a new thing at this school. (Unfortunately there are no subtitles. Sorry!) There are also some pictures from the shooting included below and some more at the Official school Facebook page


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