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Film Factory at Berlinale 2013

18. feb. 2013

Naš prvi Berlinski festival je za nami. Berlin je v času festivala pravo filmsko mesto. Na Berlinalu se za vsakogar ponuja nekaj. Poleg predavanj na Berlinale talent kampusu smo obiskali tudi filmski market EFM in številne dogodke namenjene mreženju. Čeprav smo bili na festivalu cel teden, si nismo imeli časa ogledati kakšnega filma ali zvezd na rdeči preprogi. Mogoče se bo čas za to našel drugo leto. Kot smo že omenili v prejšnji objavi, je naš novi projekt predstavljen v Berlinalski ediciji revije Daazo World of Shorts. Zahvalili bi se radi našim filmskim kolegom za povabila na dogodke (beri zabave itd.). Ne spreglejte fotografij ki so nastale v času našega obiska festivala.
Our first Berlinale experience is over. Berlin is a really filmic city and the festival really offers something for everyone. Besides attending some Berlinale Talent Campus master classes, we visited European Film Market and a lot of networking events. Ironically we had no time for watching stars walk the red carpet and no time for watching films. Maybe next year. We definitely had a great time. One of the best things, as you could read in our previous post was the presentation of our new project in Berlinale edition of Daazo’s World of Shorts magazine. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our film friends for invitations to all the awesome networking events (read as parties etc.). Check out the photos and see for yourself how the festival looks like.


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