In ponovno smo se lotili snemanja igranega filma. Tokrat z nekoliko posebno tematiko, film namreč govori o nekakšni obsesiji s hrano, natančneje z agrumi in jagodami. Snemanje je potekalo v nedeljo, 9. marca 2014 v Celju na eni zelo posebni lokaciji, v lokalu Vrtnica, ki je znan po svoji kreativni notranjosti. Posebnost tega snemanja je bila, da je v celoti potekalo ponoči, od 8h zvečer pa do 6h zjutraj. V desetih urah nam je uspelo posneti kar 8 minutni film, kar je velik dosežek, saj se v takšnem času običajno posname le približno tri minute. Vendar smo tokrat morali nekoliko pohiteti, saj sta bila igralca omejena s časom, in uspelo nam je!
V glavnih vlogah sta fant in dekle, on je režiser, ona igralka, poudarek je na njunem dialogu. Lik fanta je igral Luka Marčetič, vloger, filmski ustvarjalec, režiser spletne serije Dan ljubezni in serije Moje asocialno življenje, lik dekleta pa Sara Gorše, študentka Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Stransko vlogo natakarice je igrala Maruša Šinkovič. Ker se zgodba dogaja v lokalu, smo potrebovali tudi veliko statistov, za katere smo odprli prijave ter tako poiskali prostovoljce, ki so želeli tudi sami preizkusiti kakšen je potek nastajanja filma. Prvič smo snemali z dvema kamerama hkrati, kar je bila super izkušnja. Očitno je glavni igralec Luka med snemanjem imel dosti časa saj je posnel tudi kratki making of :) Poglejte si ga!
Imeli smo se super, bilo je naporno, a hkrati zabavno, saj je bilo snemanje polno smeha, smetane, razbijanja kozarcev, polivanja in sendvičev. :) Seveda pa gredo vse zahvale sodelujočim ter baru Vrtnica!
And we did it again – we were filming something new. This time the film talks about a slightly special topic, about food obsesion, particulary about citrus fruits and strawberries. Filming was held on Sunday, 9th of March in Celje on a very special location, in bar Vrtnica, that is know for his creative interior. What was special about this filming was that everything was filmed in one night, from 8 pm to 6 am. In ten hours we were able to film an 8 minutes long film, whish is a great success, because in ten hours we are usually able to make only about 3 minutes of a film. But this time we had to do it a bit faster, because our actors had to live earlier, and we did it!
Main characters in the film are a guy and a girl, he is a director and she is an actress, the whole film is based on what they are talking about. A guy was played by Luka Marčetič, a video blogger, filmmaker, a director of Dan ljubezni and Moje asocialno življenje, the girl was played by Sara Gorše, a student at the Academy for theatre, radio, film and television. A side character of a waitress was played by Maruša Šinkovič. The story is set in a bar, so we needed some extras for making a tipical everyday situation and we made an open application form for volunteers that wanted to experience a »behind the scene« situation. We were filming with two cameras at the same time for the first time, which was an amazing experience. Looks like Luka, the main actor, had a lot of time on the set since he was also filming a "making of". View it below!
We had a great time, it was a bit stressful, but at the same time very funny and interesting, we laughed a lot, there was a lot of sweet cream, broken glass, spilled water and sandwiches. :) So, all participants and bar Vrtnica – thank you!
Photo: Rok Deželak (RD2 Photography). Več slik bo na naši uradni Facebook strani. /// More photos will be posted on our official Film Factory Facebook Page.
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