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Nisi Masa GA - Zagreb 2014

29. apr. 2014

V času od 24.4. do 27.4. je v Zagrebu potekal Nisi Masa General Assembly (Srečanje članic organizacije Nisi Masa), katerega se je udeležil tudi del ekipe. Mojca in Simon sta s predstavitvijo naše dejavnosti uspešno zastopala Film Factory ter navezala veliko novih stikov, s člani 32 organizacij iz cele Evrope, ki so del Nisi Masa mreže. Celoten dogodek je potekal kot druženje, kjer so nastala nova poznanstva ter povezovanje z evropskimi organizacijami, delujočimi na filmskem področju. Prav tako pa smo Film Factory postali observer member of Nisi Masa. Mojca in Simon sta preživela nekaj zelo napornih, ampak prijetnih dni ter s svojo aktivnostjo pomembno prispevala k evropski razsežnosti Film Factory!
From 24th do 27h of April Nisi Masa General Assembly took place in Zagreb and our crew was a part of it. Mojca and Simon successfully represented Film Factory and our work, they establish new contacts with teams from 32 member organisations of the Nisi Masa Network from all over Europe. The whole event was held as a meeting place where they formed new friendships and connections with European organizations that work in the field of film. Film Factory also became an observer member of Nisi Masa. Mojca and Simon spent a few very stressful, but pleasant days and their activity contributed significantly to the European dimension of Film Factory!


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