Projekt Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije se bliža koncu. Za nami so štirje pestri in zanimivi meseci filmske šole, ki je obsegala tri faze, od teoretične prve faze, preko simulacije snemanja v drugi fazi, do tretje, praktične faze s celotnim potekom snemanja od ideje do premiere. Celoten projekt pa zaključujemo v tem tednu z zaključno prireditvijo, ki se bo odvijala v četrtek, 8.5.2014 ob 19h v kinu Udarnik.
Zaključna prireditev bo sestavljena iz dveh delov, ob 19h se bo odvijala okrogla miza na temo filmske vzgoje v obstoječem izobraževalnem sistemu, gostje katere bodo predstavniki vključenih izobraževalnih institucij. Pogovor bo vodila Nina Hojnik. Po tem pa ob 20h sledi premiera dveh filmov, ki sta nastala v tretji fazi našega projekta, ustvarili so ju zagnani in idej polni dijaki in študenti. Prvi film ima naslov Preslišano, katerega avtorji so Nik Belec, Branimir Belović, Zala Pia Lipičnik, Klavdija Lipnik, Gregor Lorbek, Tija Prislan in Tevž Rogina, drugi pa Drop by drop, katerega avtorji so Miha Horvat, Toni Konrad, Klemen Kopina, Hana Pohajda, Marcel Repina in Urijel Vrhovec. Za konec sledi podelitev diplom.
Projekt Skrivnosti neodvisne flmske produkcije je do zdaj naš največji projekt, zelo smo zadovoljni z rezultati, ki jih je prinesel ter seveda ponosni na vse mlade filmarje, ki so se zagnano prebili od prve pa vse do tretje faze. V četrtek pa si lahko njihov trud in končni izdelek tudi sami premierno ogledate. Se vidimo ob 19h v Udarniku! :)
Spodaj smo priložili še nekaj fotografij iz delavnice!
Project The secrets of independent film production is coming to an end. There were four varied and interesting months of film school, which consisted of three phases, the first phase was the phase of theory, through simulation shooting in the second phase, to the third, the practical phase of the entire course of the recording, from the idea to the premiere. The entire project is finalizing in this week, culminating in an event which will be held on Thursday, 8.5.2014 at 7 pm in the cinema Udarnik.
The closing event will consist of two parts, at 7 pm there will be a round table about film education in the existing educational system, guests will be representatives of educational institutions. Round table will be moderated by Nina Hojnik. After that, at 8 pm there will be a premiere of two films that were created by enthusiastic students in the third phase of our project. The title of the first film is Preslišano, whose authors are so Nik Belec, Branimir Belović, Zala Pia Lipičnik, Klavdija Lipnik, Gregor Lorbek, Tija Prislan and Tevž Rogina, and the title of the second film is Drop by drop, whose authors are Miha Horvat, Toni Konrad, Klemen Kopina, Hana Pohajda, Marcel Repina and Urijel Vrhovec.
Secrets of independent film production is so far our biggest project, we are very pleased with the results and of course very proud of all young filmmakers, who have eagerly get through from the first to the third phase. On Thursday you can check out all the effort they put in their films. See you at 7 pm in Udarnik!
Below are some pictures from the workshop!
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