V četrtek, 8.5.2014, smo v kinu Udarnik uspešno izpeljali zadnjo stopnjo projekta Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije, zaključno prireditev z okroglo mizo na temo filmske vzgoje v obstoječem izobraževalnem sistemu ter s premiero dveh filmov, ki sta nastala v tretji fazi projekta.
V prvem delu, ob 19h, smo prisluhnili okrogli mizi na temo filmska vzgoja v obstoječem izobraževalnem sistemu, katere gostje so bili predstavniki v projekt vključenih izobraževalnih institucij. Vsi udeleženci so se strinjali, da je spodbujanje filmske izobrazbe med mladimi zelo pomembno. Povedali so, da v šolskem sistemu zraven glasbene in likovne umetnosti zelo pogrešajo filmsko umetnost, zato film mladim poskušajo predstaviti v okviru posameznih predmetov ali dodatnih obšolskih dejavnosti, kot ne sistematizirano, ampak projektno delo. Takšna dejavnost je predstavljena na različne načine, nekateri gledajo in analizirajo filme, drugi jih ustvarjajo. Vloga naše ekipe na okrogli mizi pa je bila, da se predstavniki različnih izobraževalnih institucij, ki se trudijo film približati mladim, spoznajo med seboj, si izmenjajo izkušnje in predvsem, da se začnejo med seboj povezovati in sodelovati. Posledično se bodo spoznali tudi dijaki, ki jih filmsko ustvarjanje še posebej zanima, in s tem bodo imeli boljše možnosti za skupno ustvarjanje, kar je pa naša glavna želja in cilj.
V drugem delu, ob 20h, je sledila premiera dveh filmov, Preslišano in Drop by drop, kaplja čez rob, ki sta nastala v tretji fazi projekta. Avtorji filmov so zagnani dijaki in študenti, ki so skozi projekt spoznali nastanek filma od ideje do premiere ter svoje znanje uspešno uporabili in predstavili v svojih izdelkih. Po predvajanju je sledila še podelitev diplom vsem mladim ustvarjalcem ter pogostitev in druženje v predverju kina Udarnik.
Veseli smo, da se je projekt SNFP uspešno zaključil. Tako odziv na projektu kot tudi na zaključni prireditvi je bil dober, projekt je požel veliko zanimanja in pozitivnega odziva. :)
Vsi, ki vas zanima, kako je sam projekt potekal in se ga sami niste mogli udeležit, ste vabljeni k ogledu making of videa, ki se nahaja zgoraj. Prav tako spodaj pod objavo prilagamo še fotografije iz zaključne prireditve.
On Thursday, 8th of May, we successfully completed our project Secrets of independent film production in the cinema Udarnik. The final event consisted a round table on the topic of film education in the existing education system and the premiere of two films that were created in the third phase of the project.
In the first part, at 19h, we listened to the round table on the topic of film education in the existing education system, guests were representatives of educational institutions that were involved in the project. All participants agreed that the promotion of film education among young people is very important. They said that they miss a film art in our school system, they only have music and fine art, so they try to represent the film art to young people in the context of other courses or in extra after-school activities, such as a project work. This activity is represented in different ways, as watching and analising films or as cerating them. The role of our team at the roundtable was that the representatives of various educational institutions, who are trying to bring film closer to young people, get to know each other, exchange experiences and, above all, to begin to interconnect and work together. As a result, students, that are particularly interested in filmmaking, will get to know each other and this will have a better chance of co-creation, which is our main goal and desire.
In the second part, at 8 pm, there was a premiere of two films that were created in the third phase. The title of the first film is Preslišano, and the title of the second film is Drop by drop. Authors are enthusiastic students, who get to know the whole filmmaking proces, from the idea to the premiere and successfully used and presented in their skills in their products. After that all young artist got their own diplomas for their hard work. In the end there was a banquet in the cinema lobby.
We are pleased that the project SIFP was completed successfully. Thus, response to the project, as well as to the closing ceremony, was good, the project got a lot of positive responses. :)
For all of you who want to know how the project itsel looked like and were unable to join, take a look at the making of video, which is located above. There are also some pictures from closing ceremony below the post.
Below are some pictures from the workshop!
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