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MTM - From Idea to Premiere

18. mar. 2013

Priprave na premiero kratkega igranega filma Missing the Moment, ki bo 23.02.2013 v mariborskem kinu Udarnik, so že v polnem teku. Film pa ima za sabo že kar nekaj svoje poti; prvič je bil predstavljen na Short Film Cornerju Cannskega filmskega festivala, predvajan pa je bil tudi na 15. festivalu slovenskega filma v Portorožu. Kako je bil film sprejet na festivalih, si lahko preberete v prejšnjih objavah na našem blogu.

Ker se premiera filma bliža, smo se odločili, da vam razkrijemo pot filma; od ideje do premiere. Najprej vam bomo razkrili kako so potekale priprave na snemanje, po premieri pa še kako je potekalo snemanje, ki se je odvijalo v marcu 2012. Film je dolg 10 minut, snemalnih dni pa je pa bilo zaradi številnih lokacij in posebnih efektov kar 8. Kdo je stal pred in kdo za kamero ter kako so potekale priprave in snemanje, sledi v prihodnjih objavah.
The preparations for the premiere of the short fiction film Missing the Moment which will be held on 23rd of March 2013 at 20.00 in cinema Udarnik, Maribor are in full swing. The film has already some part of it’s journey behind it. For the fist time it was presented at Short Film Corner at Cannes Film Festival last year. It was also screened at 15th festival of Slovenian film in Portorož, Slovenia. You can read about film’s festival success on our previous blog posts.

The premiere is just days ahead and we decided to reveal the journey of the film; from idea to premiere. Firstly we will expose film’s pre-production. After the premiere we will post some blog posts about shooting. Film is 10 minutes long and we had 8 shooting days. This is because of various shooting locations and special visual effects which appear in the film. Find out who was a part of the crew, who are the stars of the film and how the was shooting in our next few blog posts.


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